It takes a minute for people to figure out that I’m not talking about what White folks do. I speak only of the frame of mind to describe what you do the way you do. I make the case for the lack of intellectual integrity. I speak of its resulting danger. I’m not entirely sure what to make of this passionate title fight. That’s not for me to say, but for you and 🇾🇴🇺🇷s to process.
By the way, this isn’t a conversation, Alin. You know that right? I told you: you dropped something; I’ve picked it up; and, I’m giving it back to you. I said that with exceedingly candor and clarity. And, FWIW, it’s not me you misunderstand.
It’s you.
Read your message again. I don’t think you even heard your threat. But, I did. You did not propose a path to a “better life.” You counselled me to be mindful of how my choices effect my “manner of death,” so to speak.
I am mindful, Alin. I choose the hard way, on my feet, not my knees. The good news is that I am of no threat to those who keep me out of their cross hairs, friend.
I have none of the pain you speak of. I’ve never felt more pain free. In fact, none of us have. I have the integrity to face the consequences of my choices with both strength and grace. And, I can’t be talked by into my cage.
My choice is made. Process that as you wish, but let’s move on, ok?