OMG, No! My "idiot" was not YOU! Oh, Ray - that's not what I meant at all. By idiot, I meant "any cop is free to be as idiotic and lazy as he or she wants."
I don't care about being critiqued. I am a defense layer. It's a daily thing: "counsel, your argument . . . " It was the facile implications in the question - there is no way to think about reform without thinking about resistance. That question struck me as a very low bar to stage feedback.
Racism in policing is another 101. Big iceberg in the middle of a very small space. There is no way to cure systemic racism. What we mean when we say that is cure its manifestation. No govt agency gets any closer b/c nothing beyond conduct can be regulated. Any cure - even all the ones being floated now - will kneel before that.
What I address here I have seen in play. No, you don't have to start with racism. It's a curative black hole. But you can stop racist practices the way you stop all bad practices. That part - stopping a bad practices - departments have turned off. We have to turn them back on, and we can't do that by focusing on the police.
Help me understand what you see as the obstacle? Maybe I am just not tracking you.
I apologize for my lack of clarity. I adore you, good feedback and bad. You are NOBODY'S idiot, Ray. I am sorry.