Mr. Ides of March:
If you must go, go.
Your fight is not for Blacks. Your fight is against racism. We owe you nothing.
Your fight is not on our behalf. YOU are the ones with the problem. It should be the racists who are thanking you.
"Be nice or people who are ideologically opposed to racism will, you know, give racism a pass" is not a thing.
"Be nice or some may not" is a threat.
"Your conduct is part of the cause and effect decision tree that defines our conduct" is bullshit. If we had THAT much power over you, we would have LONG SINCE mind-controlled THE ENTIRE WHITE RACE into not being racist. What, you think we've just been holding out?
"Your conduct is part of the cause and effect decision tree that defines our conduct" is also UNSPEAKABLY cowardly. Don't you dare hide behind us, or blame us for who or what others are. No one is racist b/c we are nice or mean. People are racist b/c they are racist. Anything to the contrary is beneath every single person here.
You go tell your daughter to expect SOME groping as the price of her date's alliance in the fight against rape. You tell her that if she wants the rape culture to change, she has to build a coalition. You tell her to accept help where she can get it. You tell her to BE NICE, or that REALLY bad among you WILL rape her.
And make sure to tell her to smile when one of the good guys gooses her nipple in line at the movie theater snack bar. Then gently rubs her ass. Just a bit, you know? AND ABOVE ALL THINGS, YOU MAKE SURE TO TELL HER TO BE GRATEFUL.
After all, we're stronger together, and inclusion is key.
But you never again foist this shit off on us.
Now, go ahead - turn around and, with a straight face, say to us "racism is not abuse." "Being raped of your pride and self worth and even your LIFE" is not as bad as rape of her vagina. By all means - after all, sage sir, surely you would know this better than anyone else here.
But when you're done, you're free to leave. No one - not one single person on the planet - needs help understanding how to tolerate abuse, Markus.
And hand to God, if that touchy young man with good intent left the theater in possession of both of his nuts, then my baby-girl would need a refresher.
There will be no "ask nicely"; I prefer clarity - keep your GDMF hands to yourself, or risk losing the hand, Markus.