LOL - well, it's not the first time I've been called arrogant. C'est la vie. But I'm not at all clear about the self-entitlement you refer to here.
If you mean MY entitlement, I don't have one - that stuff would get you killed growing up at my house. I'm disciplined. I am undeterred. I am ruthless, if need be. What I am not is lucky. Which delivers me here - how others feel about my being a lawyer and an academic is not my concern, let alone my problem.
If not, I'm happy to talk about the entitlement I *do* raise: anger entitlement. You don’t get one. Fini.
I have no control over whether another does or does not do well, has or does not have [fill in the blank]. I own my shit; "you" own yours. Any discussion that factors me into "your" outcome is going to be a very short discussion indeed.