I’m struggling with the piece. It has a distant “these bad things happen" that I don’t know what to do with. What’s most interesting for me is that you sound like you’re fighting with yourself. By that, I mean it sounds like you Distance Andrew (racism, bad, but also Obama and you can’t pick your parents and life has dealt karma) is whispering to WTF Andrew (bruh, really? How about no with the rapist to Obama linkage). What gives?
And also this: why does race ignorance provoke a discourse on karma? Why is it $ karma connected to anything, let alone this?
In my world, racism is like any other -ism. If it can be fatal for the owner our the community, we owe two duties.
One, to bring it to an end without consensus so to speak — one mustn’t buy in to an alcoholic narrative to lay off the booze when s/he drives and to confront the wrong of it, and we all know that.
The other, to probe it’s genesis — dad/ mom was always drunk, so… We all know that too.
Why are we do tortured about race such that we’re building this tortured constructs that are really not designed to end the conduct, but to decide how to perceive the conductor? What’s up with being brand new when the abuse is RACE ABUSE? (ignore the caps — it’s a thing & and has nothing to do with emphasis).
This whole conflation thing is why that ball can never move and WTF Andrew caught you doing it. I feel like WTF Andrew and I could hang out, but Distance Andrew isn’t invited.