I told myself not to read this. I KNEW what you were going to say. You didn't disappoint.
I'm curious, and maybe you can help me out here. How'd we both read your message, ponder over a way to pervert it, then stumble - by sheer coincidence, of course - our way to the exact same intentional misunderstanding?
That's what we're doing, right? Reading your message; understanding you mean great things; and then not want to advance said great things b/c of reasons. Then - and this is my favorite part - find ourselves just a tweak nauseated by how focused you are — obsessed, really — about Black support.
That doesn't strike you as being hungry for hero worship? No? Just us? How about a chuckle for the irony alone: you correcting a Black writer on her article about White men being obsessed with setting Black speakers straight?
You're an interesting deck of cards, Tony.