I put this in a totally separate response so as not to confuse that with what I am about to say here.
I am a student of ambassadors of humanity across a wide and deep spectrum. :) I don't need tutoring in history, son.
I don't judge your work. I just don't do what I like to call "chase the monkey." If you want to engage ME, engage me. Please don't do that through prism of another's work. Let's talk about your problem. I'm all ears.
(Separate and aside, if you have not yet done so - I don't wish to assume - you might consider reading not just the text of the Corwin Amendment - 1861 sponsored by Buchanan - but the floor debates such as they were. Fascinating. Lincoln's repudiation of Justice Taney's opinion in Scott v. Sanford is also exceedingly provocative. Good stuff).