I love just about everything here. It’s concrete and accessible and self-directed, and it feels very much so like the country is, well, paying attention anyway.
I have one challenge. I’d love to talk with you about it, and not just do a drive by on a comment.
The short version is this: ditch the White Ally label.
The short, plus 1: the entire country pushes back at injustice. We manage to do it without the title, yet only you have — need? — a title to do it. I don’t know what’s behind that. I do, however, know it’s exceedingly dangerous.
Not guess. Know.*
I don’t know how Medium works, so I don’t know how to reach out personally. If you do, I think talking would be a good thing.
*I won’t drop a link because that feels, I don’t know, wrong somehow. But if you want a peek into the messy web on the reverse side of White Ally needlepoint, The Call Really Is Coming from Inside Your House makes the risk case fairly clear.