I believe the whole cha cha is White Supremacy. Whether latent or express, it comes from believing whites are superior / the target is inferior. That's a supremacy dynamic. That's why I call it a false set of options There aren't two. There's just the one.
I'm a bit pragmatic about it. I don't do continuums. I think everyone makes race-based negative associations. And, I don't take it personally.
That means I don't care what the person is called or calls him- or herself. That means I don't much care much what someone thinks; I care about what someone does. And, that means when a person's race-hate puts another at risk, the only box I care about is checked. That person gets the hammer and how hard they get hit parallels the risk imposed.
I stage the discussion on White Supremacy because I am challenging the President, and that's where HE stages it. He insists that we can all come together and get the White Supremacists. I think he's confused about the WS roster. And I think we need to get unconfused if we want to move the ball.
That delivers me here: I agree with you 100% - everyone on that list checks the WS box. But in the President's mind, only the three shooters do. That's a huge problem b/c those side-liners are why killing us gets a shrug and that is the real danger.
Thank you for your kind words, by the way. Be well!