Hey — great response, thanks. Let’s tease that out a bit more. Here is the passage again.
“For those of you wondering how they met: Harris’s parents met while pursuing their doctorate degrees at the University of California, Berkeley. They weren’t migrant workers, nor were they trust fund babies. Doctorate degrees mean one thing: brainiacs.”
Would it be accurate to say that you see the metaphor as a bad/good rich? I, on the other hand, see a relative spectrum of non-affluent/affluent. What makes that, IMO, more apt is that “trust fund” is the not fodder of good and bad. It is single, presumed value is economic. That makes the passage interpreted like this for me:
“KH’s parents met in an elite and fairly expensive educational arena that they did not access via financial merit (a la Huffman and Loughlin) but per an intellectual one.”
In that context, one — migrant worker does not mean bad, which is what left me confused; and, two — migrant worker does more appropriately mean at a fairly extreme end of the low affluence spectrum.
Finally, I did not read this as part of the proof thread that KH is Black at all. I read it as a bit of trivia — a nudge of reproach about those of us looking for something a bit salacious (most DEF me). “They were smart, not posh and entitled — get out of the gutter.” Like a brief frolic from the “connect the dots, KH is Black” thrust of the piece.